In development!

Hi there! My name is Ant, and welcome to LILO's page.
This is my first time taking a big step since the start of development, and I'm here to share with you some very important information regarding LILO and it's future progress, what to expect, and much more.

  • How long has LILO been in development?
    I've been working on LILO for at least two years by now, mostly working on-and-off between free time and sometimes when college rolls around. It started off as a hobby and quickly became much bigger than I had ever anticipated. Now it's an ever growing passion project with added help and input from lots of my beloved friends, talented acquaintances, and so much more. Once the demo rolls around, I'll be sure to make it as pristine as I can so that you can enjoy it as much as I do.

  • Who is in charge of what?
    I started off working on LILO on my own, creating concepts, mock-ups, and lots of changes here and there by myself. While I still work on the gameplay and balancing side of things in-engine, I have a wonderful group of people that are helping me bring this project to life with their own contributions:

    Concept Work, Art, and Graphics


    Music and Fanfares



    They deserve as much credit as I do, as this project would not exist had it not been for their mutual interest, support, and shared passion for my game. I owe them everything!
  • Any chance of releasing a demo?

    (UPDATED ~ 6/11/2023)
    The demo is still being worked on. While combat for the game is finished and a general outline for the demo's storyline has been established, there are a lot of things missing that will require a bit more time. Originally, it was planned for the Fall of 2023, but it was based on a rough estimate of our progress at the time. I wanted to be considerate of the team's time and avoid burning out, so it's been pushed back until we're able to determine a more accurate window of release for the game. Sorry for the inconvenience! In the mean time, you're free to browse the developer Twitter while the game is being worked on.

    (UPDATED AGAIN ~ 9/28/2024)
    Updated staff listing and specified roles.

    (UPDATED ANOTHER TIME ~ 2/18/2025)
    Updated staff listing again! We have a new member on the team. Steady progress is still being made with the game. I'm just very absorbed on working on it.

And that concludes LILO's devlog update. Please stay tuned for more! We hope it'll be worth the wait.


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Can't wait!!!