Still here! (And learning a lot.)

Hi there! I want to preface this small and brief dev log to say: Yes, I'm still in the process of making the game. I haven't given up yet! But I wanted to make this post because...

It's been a while.

While I've been working on the game here and there, I've also been juggling a lot of my free time with friends, family, and responsibilities like getting through college. I've been ignoring a lot of very important things, communicating about this game to others being one of them. I wanted to show some development screenshots and concept art to make better steps in being more loud and upfront about this project as I hold it very close to my heart.

I've also included some gameplay footage, showcasing some of the early enemies you'll have to fight in the demo! Speaking of the demo... it's not quite ready yet, but it's on its way! I'll continue development as always, but I will try a bit more harder to be vocal about what I'm doing and what I'm up to as of late as I keep chipping away at progress. I'll be back with more enemy footage and more things to share. If you're willing, please feel free to keep yourselves posted at:

(My) Twitter:

(My) Youtube:


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Good to see this is still happening.